More on Heat Recovery Ventilation

What is Heat Recovery Ventilation?
A Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) system is designed to ensure optimum air exchange in a building while minimizing heat losses through ventilation. In traditional family houses where ventilation is ensured through trickle vent or slot vent, heat losses through ventilation represent up to 40 % of the building’s total heat loss.
What is HRV good for?
Advanced low-energy and passive houses with high-quality seals cannot do without a heat recovery ventilation system nowadays. Increasing demands on the tightness of the building mantle and other construction elements lead to insufficient air exchange in a building and problems appear concerning humidity, CO2 concentration, mold and microorganisms like mites which can lead to health problems of the house inhabitants.
These problems disappear once a HRV system is installed. Automatic ventilation is ensured, even at times when there are no inhabitants present, then with a lower air exchange intensity.
A HRV heat exchanger has become an integral part of advanced ventilation systems. It transfers heat from discharge stale air to incoming fresh air.
However, it shall be noted that this is no heating but just ensuring the necessary air exchange with a minimum heat loss. There shall be an independent heating system and a heat source installed in the building. Ventilation systems for family houses require neither a detailed design nor complicated calculations.
How to acquire a HRV system
If you are interested in acquiring a HRS system, please fill in the Price Enquiry Form. This non-binding form is the primary information source for a system design using the maximum of alternative energy sources for family houses.
Or you can contact us on the phone number +420 241 762 726.